Good Dog Blog
-I really like dogs
-Pictures of dogs
-Good color schemes
--Visually appealing because of:
-Good graphics
-Different things that you can do
Yes, because it’s about dogs so it’s likable to all ages
There’s nothing really that I’m confused on yet.
Yes, because I have dogs and would like to know what people think you should do with them if there’s a problem.
Just Another Dog Blog
-The things that they have in common are there both about dogs and have pictures of dogs on there.
-There differences between the two is the Good Dog Blog offers more advice for dog owners and Just Another Dog Blog only shows pictures of dogs with the owner commenting on those so it really doesn’t provide any information about dogs.
-I prefer the Good Dog Blog because it offered information I could use with my dogs and not just looking at pictures of somebody’s dog.
Blogs From the Dogs
-They have in common having to do with dogs and that there’s pictures of them.
-This one is written in a dogs perspective and it’s not very lively or colorful unlike the Good Dog Blog that was intersecting and made me want to read what there talking about. Blogs From the Dogs was similar to Just Another Dog Blog because they were just commenting of pictures of dogs and it was boring.
-I still prefer the Good Dog Blog because it’s the only blog that actually provided information about dogs and not just options about there own dogs.